Parenting Sites:
Liedloff Continuum Network
Natural Child
Get Attached
Mother &
Child Reunion
Baby Carrier
Ap Related Products:
Honeys Child
Sparrows Nest
& Nurture
Baby Knows
Wears The
What is it?
Well I can start with what it is to
my family, each family has different variations to what AP is to them. The
point of AP is to listen to yourself, your children are unique and if
you listen to your intuition this will be your guide. I
believe wholeheartedly in this style of parenting, I have reaped the
many benefits it offers. I am constantly amazed that we as parents
simply have this all within ourselves if only we will listen to
ourselves. Who else could better know our own unique children than
ourselves? Ap is simply using your instincts, parenting the way it was
meant to be. Ap is about getting back to the basics, listening to
Attachment parenting is about
connecting with your baby, welcoming your baby into this world and
helping them thrive to their fullest potential. Connecting with baby
begins early, preferably inside the womb. Expressing your love to baby,
letting baby know that he/she is wanted and needed. Feeding the baby
both emotionally and nutritionally. Taking care of you, being well and
supported. Being an active participate in your babies birth, educating
yourself on the subject, feeling prepared for the birth are all ways
that will enhance your relationship. Being positive. Our bodies and
minds are extraordinary, believing in ourselves is sometimes the simplest
ways of changing or making things happen in our lives that will please
us. A safe, natural birth experience allows for bonding almost immediately.
A medicated birth has definite draw backs in regards to bonding with
baby. This is a crucial time for mom and baby, the sooner attachment
begins between the both the better the experience is for them. This
includes minimal separation if any in the first years of life.
The more attached I am to my baby,
the more I truly know my baby. Responding to their cues becomes simple
because you are attached. Responding is definitely part of AP, babies
should not be expected to comfort themselves. They are babies,
they trust and depend on their parents to take care of them, both
emotionally and physically. Babies should not be classified as
"bad" for possessing such bad behavior as crying and such.
This is simply their only way of expressing themselves, communicating
with you, be it frustrating at times.
We are teaching them
that they are important enough to be heard, how valuable is that? The
more a baby is comforted, expressed or not, the less he cries. His needs
are being met before they are expressed at times and he will realize
Breastfeeding is another aspect of AP. Why
is this so important? This is one of the simplest ways to stay and be
attached to your child. Your providing nourishment both nutritionally
and emotionally. Baby wants to be held by mom, breastfeeding provides
skin to skin contact which is absolutely essential for baby. In this
hectic world this is provides us a chance to reconnect with our baby several
times a day, it slows us down.
Speaking of this hectic world, comforting
our babies can be a full time job, making them feel secure. Wearing our
babies can offer the best of both worlds. While we are busy with life,
baby is secure and feeling important.
Sleeping with our babies also keeps the
connection going through the night. Why should night time mean that I
will not be available to him?
Gentle discipline and redirection are also
part of AP aspects. Listening with our hearts, modeling with our own
behavior and guidance offer great alternatives to discipline dilemmas.
These techniques allow you to stay attached to your child, yet seek the
peace you so well deserve in the home.
your babies, make them feel secure, and treat them how YOU wish to be
treated. A child who feels right acts right.
Imagine what they will grow into,
Independent, well adjusted children, growing into adults! |