Natural Toys:
We have chosen to purchase natural or wooden toys for our children
for a number of different reasons.
We were informed about the toxic chemicals that are in plastic toys
(six of the worse toxic chemicals are used in the plastic industry)
These chemicals have been known to leak out of the plastic toys and into
the mouths of babies. Infants are especially at risk because they put
everything into their mouths, this is also their most vulnerable time of
development. These chemicals have been linked to but not limited to,
liver and kidney damage. The whole process involved in with PVC is a incredibly
polluting process. Production and combustion of PVC releases toxic
chemicals into our environment, thus making this world even more toxic
for us and our children.
Another very important reason for non plastic, commercial toys are
that these toys hamper their abilities to truly play. Play is very important
work for children. If they have toys that do everything for them or toys
that leave nothing to the imagination, are they really playing? Natural,
wooden, simple toys are best because of the room they leave open for the
children to use their minds, experiment, dream, imagine and truly play.
Their imaginations are being awakened. They get back to the basics of
life and live it!
Why take the chance when their are alternatives? Our toy box consists
of a wooden tree house, train sets, rattles, hemp dolls, handmade toys,
blocks, musical items, dress up clothes, and wooden vehicles. Our
toys are simple, we do not have an overabundance of them because I believe
that actually over stimulates a child. The less they have the more my
children are thinking of different ways to create new things, working,
* We like to plant a tree for every few purchases we make, our way of
giving back what we take.
Check out Greepeace
for more information on the hazards of